Hurst Arms, Eastbourne, Farewell to Adrian and Annabelle Presentation
An enthusiastic group of CAMRA members from across the branch area gathered in the pub to mark the retirement of Adrian and Annabelle who had been running the pub for ten years until the time came for them to retire. They took over at a time when one of the our once Good Beer Guide regular pubs had declined after the previous successful licensees had left, with a succession of temporary landlords leaving it as a pub with often just one ale on the bar. Adrian was determined to get it back to its former glory, making an immediate improvement which led to its reappearing in the GBG in his third year, holding its place for eight years until he finished. He used the Real Ale Finder app and, as a CAMRA member, the branch Facebook group to advertise his real ale offer. This advertised his talent for sourcing seasonal beers out of season, thus having an impressive and unusual range on his bar to attract customers. In recent times he managed to offer seven real ales and has been one of a few pubs in our area regularly achieving an NBSS average of or close to 4 (Very Good). Vice Chair Roger presented an award to Adrian and Annabelle following a tribute by Pubs Officer Peter, to which Adrian replied thanking CAMRA members for their support and encouragement. The pictures show the presentation, Adrian and Annabelle behind some of their handpumps and the CAMRA group with them in front of the pub.