South East Sussex

About Us

As the local CAMRA branch, we actively promote good real ale in local pubs. We campaign to save pubs and breweries from closure. Please see the National CAMRA national web site, for full details of what CAMRA is about.

The Branch selects pubs and clubs to be listed in the national CAMRA Good Beer Guide, published annually. We collate data for the national WhatPub website, available to members and non-members alike for full information about pubs. Members also rate beer in pubs and clubs through WhatPub; we would invite all members to participate in this, by following this Whatpub link. In parallel with this, we make a number of awards to local Pubs and Clubs of the Year.

A highlight of our activities is the annual beer festival in Eastbourne, run in conjunction with the Events Team of Eastbourne Borough Council. This is a three day event held in early October, now in its twelfth year. The CAMRA branch takes responsibility for selecting, presenting and serving the beer. Beer of the Festival awards are made to local and far away breweries. See website: Eastbourne Beer Festival

We meet regularly in local pubs and welcome all members. For full details of Branch Activities, please follow the Branch Diary link.