South East Sussex


2 Barnhorn Road
Bexhill on Sea
TN39 4LR
Emailku.oc.llihxebfaehstaehweht@ofni Telephone(01424) 316968
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarGamesRestaurantWiFi
Opening times: Mon–Thu 11:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 11:00-23:30; Sun 12:00-22:30
Regular beers: Fuller's London Pride, Harvey's Sussex Best Bitter, Sharp's Doom Bar

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This was once an 18th century alehouse and coaching inn. There are three areas, the largest is a restaurant, another set aside for drinkers and a third a games room with Darts and Pool. The pictures above show the latter two spaces. The pub is under new management from Winter 2024 and has undergone extensive interior renovation.