South East Sussex


57 South Street
BN21 4UT
Emailku.oc.enruobtsaeelgaeeht@ofni Telephone(01323) 417799
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsGamesSmokingDog FriendlyNewspapersSports TVWiFiServes LocAleLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu 11:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 11:00-00:30 next day; Sun 11:00-23:00
Regular beers: Harvey's Sussex Best Bitter

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This well-kept corner hostelry is located in the Little Chelsea area of town, a short walk from town centre and nearby rail and bus services. A variety of ales, both local and national, are often available, but there have been reports of the number of ales sometimes going doen to one. Also while the cider on offer is Weston's Old Rosie, not real cider according to CAMRAs new definitions, occasionally a guest cider may be 'real'. The discounted price applies only to pints, meaning that halves are proportionally more expensive, however two halves of different beers may be bought for the price of a pint, please ask. Good value food is available daily, lunchtimes and evenings, with an excellent range of home cooked pies and an American Diner inspired menu. There are a pool table and dartboard and a number of sporting events TVs; but when there is no sport on it is a locals’ local. It is a well retored decorated pub, once of Kemptown Brewery, with a dining area, bar, and games room and a small roof terrace.