South East Sussex


1 Grange Road
BN21 4EU
Emailku.oc.rab-mudnebib@snoitavreser Telephone(01323) 735363
Real AleReal FireQuiet PubFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSmokingRestaurantFunction RoomDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAle
Opening times: Mon–Thu 11:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 11:00-24:00; Sun 11:00-22:00
Regular beers: Harvey's Sussex Best Bitter, Long Man --varies--

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Located in the Little Chelsea area, close to the town centre, this is a comfortable modern pub in a Victorian building which has been converted into one large room with an opening into a separate restaurant. An upstairs function room seats up to 110 for a seated meal or 150 for a buffet style event. It places an emphasis on sourcing food, real ale and other drinks like coffee locally. There is a comprehensive menu; food is served all day in the bar as well as in the restaurant. Displayed pump clips show a wide variety of guest beers which have been served over time.